Our 8th annual Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) Week took place from November 4 – 8th. The 2019 theme this year was "The Human Connection in Healthcare.”
Sincere thanks to the PFCC Week working team and for all the additional support we received from many other staff volunteers for making this week a success. Thank you also to all of the patients, families, staff, and volunteers who participated in the various activities and events. | |
PFCC Week Kick-Off - Monday, November 4th | | |
Natasha Tiemstra, Tina Sakon, & Catherine Morrison | |
We continued our annual tradition of kicking off Patient and Family Centred Care Week with some entertainment and serving of cake.
Amaya and Heath Kai (sister and father of an ACH patient) performed twice during the lunch hour, singing the duet “For Good” accompanied on the piano by Margaret Fullerton, ACH Senior Operating Office. This wonderful song and performance highlighted how connections can change us (for the better).
Catherine Morrison, Margaret Fullerton, Natasha Tiemstra, Tina Sakon, and Pam Kai all helped serve cake throughout the cafeteria and surrounding area. | |
The Human Connection Team Challenge | | |
This year the team challenge was to decorate a 12x 12” puzzle piece with the human connection theme. We had 26 submissions and it was obvious how much time, effort, and creativity went in to each puzzle piece and write-up, which only made it that much more difficult for our judges and for the public to vote.
Thank you to all our teams who participated, our 28 judges and for the public for voting!
This year we awarded three medal winners – Gold, Silver and Bronze. All winning teams received a certificate and a cafeteria gift card for some treats.
A display of some of the entries has been setup in the main floor display window along the inpatient hallway.
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Gold Medal Winner – Human Connections in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
"Each member of the NICU team, at any given time, holds a piece of the puzzle that will help light the way for the baby’s unique journey through the first months of life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The Human connection is about working together as a valued, collaborative, connected team to support our families, and embracing them as part of our team. The true human connection is taking time to introduce each team member, making families feel that they belong with a smile, a “good morning” and a genuine offer of support." | |
Silver Medal Winner - Cardiology Energy Exchangers
“Our submission is based on these beautiful words spoken by Brene Brown: “Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”” | |
Bronze Medal Winner - Post-Anesthetic Care Unit (PACU) PEEPS
“We, in P.A.C.U., thought of a flower theme to represent human connection. We, like individual flowers are unique and beautiful in our own way Together, though, we are a gorgeous bouquet. Our varied backgrounds from varied units let us bring something special to our P.A.C.U. team. We do work so well as a team, which keeps us grounded and connected to each other, like flowers to the earth. Our connection with our little (and big) patients, like flowers, is brief but so cherished! We try our best to find a way to connect with each and every child and family.” | |
In the main gathering space, we hosted displays and activities for everyone to review and/or participate in.
Children were given the opportunity to use various art supplies to decorate their own puzzle piece. People were also invited to bring our tree to life by sharing thoughts on how we can encourage human connections in healthcare on a paper hand. Here are just a few of many ideas:
- A smile. Eye contact. A gentle touch. A listening ear.
- Being sympathetic and understanding, and treating each other with respect and dignity
- Seeing the person before the disability or illness.
- Laughing together!
- A touch; A Glance; A Smile; A Tear; A Nod. Eye contact---to reassure, affirm, connect, include, validate feelings, belong
- Communicating openly and effectively
On Tuesday, Nov 5th we hosted a webinar “Hands on/Hands off: The importance of Touch.” Dr. Martina Kelly shared with us her work around the power of physical touch in clinical care. On Thursday, Nov 7th we had the pleasure of holding an onsite mindfulness session led by Breanna Morandi. In this session Breanna introduced us to the benefits of mindfulness and guided us through some short mindful exercises that deepened our capacity to connect. |
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Human Connection Champions | |
In the weeks leading up to PFCC Week, patients, families, and caregivers were given the opportunity to nominate staff (clinical and non-clinical), physicians, and volunteers at Alberta Children’s Hospital, Rotary Flames House (RFH), and the Child Development Services (CDS) for the moments where they felt seen, heard, valued, and/or emotionally understood or supported.
By the end of PFCC Week, we had received 132 nominations for individuals throughout the hospital, RFH and CDS, and even a few beyond. Recipients of these nominations were touched by the heartwarming sentiments that were expressed by the nominees and hand delivered a Human Connection Champion button with their nomination card. | |
Tony Lombardo,
Facilities Maintenance & Engineering | |
"Thanks for Caring" for ACH Families' Walkabout | |
Patients and families joined a site leader/manager on walkabouts throughout the hospital to thank staff for caring for ACH families and to give them a small token of appreciation – a small bag of chocolate kisses. ACH leaders/managers highly value this PFCC Week activity as a way to connect with staff and reinforce how everyone contributes to the patient and family experience.
Over 1000 staff were touched through this initiative in the hospital, RFH, CDS, and all these areas that indirectly support patients.
Thank you to the patients and families who came in for this special activity and the managers/leaders who participated. | |
Rhett Wanner, ACH patient & Terri Shykula, Unit Manager, HOT Clinics and Day Treatment Unit - thanking Dr. Victor Lewis | |
Sam McGuire, ACH patient & Margaret Fullerton, Senior Operating Officer - thanking Janick, Environmental Services | |
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PFCC Week Celebration - Friday, November 8th |
Our week closed with a noon hour celebration with some great food and great company!
Together we watched The Human Connection in Healthcare video, and its associated blooper reel which provided more than a few laughs.
Pam Francis and her daughter Emma, shared with us their experiences this past year with the ACH orthopedic surgery team. She expressed gratitude and appreciation for the unwavering support and dedication members of the team demonstrated in was a stressful and difficult few months. Pam’s story highlights the value and importance of fostering connections within the healthcare team to help overcome adversity.
All of our Human Connection Champions were acknowledged and we revealed the top three medal winners for our puzzle piece Team Challenge.
Thanks to Pam Kai, ACH Parent, and Rachelle Van Vliet, Patient Care Manager, for co-chairing the celebration event, and Jill Woodward, Inpatient Care Executive Director, and Megan Mill, Unit Manager Allied Health, for acknowledging the Human Connection Champions and top Team Challenge winners. A special thank you to Pam and Emma for sharing their story. | |
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