Emily's Backyard (Child Care)
What is Emily's Backyard?
Emily's Backyard is a play area for patients and siblings of patients. It is designed for a short-term (1.5 hours maximum) stay, and is not intended to be a daycare. Parents must be onsite while their child is visiting Emily's Backyard.
Emily's Backyard has two locations:
- Alberta Children's Hospital - Main Floor
- Child Development Centre - Second Floor
Who can use Emily's Backyard?
Emily's Backyard is for patients and brothers and sisters of patients who are staying in the hospital or visiting clinics. The play area meets the needs of all age groups from newborns to early teens. To protect the other children in the play area, children attending Emily's Backyard must be free of the following symptoms: rash, cough, fever, runny nose, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
What happens in Emily's Backyard?
Emily's Backyard is a friendly and popular play area where children can choose from a variety of activities including arts and crafts, books, cars and trains, electronic games, board games, and Adrienne's House.

Who will care for my child in Emily's Backyard?
Professional staff and volunteers engage children in fun activities in a safe and caring environment.
Can my child bring food into Emily's Backyard?
Food is not permitted in the play area. Please inform staff if your child has any special needs (e.g. your child has diabetes and will need a snack).
Does it cost anything to use Emily's Backyard?
Emily's Backyard is a free service funded by the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation.
When is Emily's Backyard open?
Alberta Children's Hospital - Main Floor
Monday to Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Child Development Centre - Second Floor
Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
How do I register my child into Emily's Backyard?
To ensure space is available, it is recommended that parents call or email to pre-register their child. Children may be pre registered up to two weeks in advance. We are able to take families on a drop-in basis if space is available.
Please provide the following information when booking:
- Child's first and last name
- Whether the child is a patient or sibling
- Age
- Time needed (maximum time limit is 1.5 hours)
- Appointment location and patient's name
- Any special needs the child may have
Phone: 403-955-2500
Email: eby@ahs.ca
Space is limited for families requiring our service. Please ensure we are notified of cancellations.