Consulting CAYAC
CAYAC gives you access to a dynamic group of 25-30 youth, ages 12-18+, who have a wide variety of health and life experience. We will provide you with honest feedback and new ideas for your child health programs and services. This is the group you come to when you really want to know what youth think.
Who can consult with CAYAC?
CAYAC is available to consult with Alberta Health Services or community child health programs and services.
When can I consult with CAYAC?
We usually ask consultants to attend one of our meetings which are held on Saturdays 5-6 times a year at the Alberta Children's Hospital.
We can also do small group consultations and participate in events such as meetings and conferences
Why should I consult with CAYAC?
We can provide a youth perspective to support your work in many areas, such as:
- engaging children and youth
- policies and procedures
- information materials
- health promotion campaigns
- facility development or renovations
- website and social media work
- program and service development or redesign
For more information on what type of work we've done see Our Work.
What is involved in a consultation with CAYAC?
Our CAYAC coordinator will arrange a block of time for you on a meeting agenda and work with you to help plan the consultation. Our document, Guidelines for Consulting with CAYAC, provides you with the information and ideas you need to effectively engage the CAYAC members.
How do I contact CAYAC?
For more information or to arrange a consultation, contact the CAYAC Coordinator at 403-955-2456 or CAYAC@albertahealthservices.ca.
Youth are not the future, we're here now!
Listening to the Voices of Children and Youth