Events & Education
In-person or Online
EmploymentWorks is a proven program that offers employment preparedness training and support, combined with job sampling and hands-on experience to autistic adults and persons with disabilities. The program is designed for individuals who want to enter or return to the workforce, and who are willing to develop and practice the skills needed to support employment success. The program is currently offered in two formats: In-Person or Online.
To register for or learn more about the EmploymentWorks program, check out their website, or call 1-888-733-7976.
Transition to Adulthood - Information Videos
Transition to Adulthood Videos
The Transition Team at Easter Seals AB (formerly known as Children's Link) provides guidance and support for families caring for youth with disabilities who are transitioning into adulthood. The videos on their webpage provide useful information about PDD (Persons with Developmental Disabilities), AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped), Guardianship & Trusteeship. These videos are offered to help families feel less stressed and more confident as their children with disabilities enter adulthood.
For more information about transitioning to adulthood for youth with disabilities, visit the Easter Seals AB website or call them at 403-235-5662
Community Education Service
View the Education Calendar for sessions on specific health conditions, youth issues or topics related to transitioning to adult care.
For more information or to register, contact 403-955-4747 or