Alberta Children's Hospital | Indigenous Health

Indigenous Healing Garden at ACH

The healing garden at the Alberta Children's Hospital (ACH) site acknowledges the powerful connection Indigenous people have to the land. It helps create a welcoming facility where Blackfoot culture is honoured and included.

While the ACH project is focused on Indigenous Health, the peaceful outdoor space provides a source of spiritual renewal for all patients and families. More information to come.

Indigenous Hospital Liaison Service

The Indigenous Hospital Liaison (IHL), and the Traditional Wellness Coordinator, provide guidance and support, and advocate for indigenous patients and families at the Alberta Children's Hospital.

Indigenous Spiritual Ceremonies

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is committed to providing culturally safe, accessible healthcare to all our patients. This includes supporting the practice of Indigenous spiritual ceremonies inside all of our sites.

Indigenous Health

Learn more about Alberta Health Services Indigenous Health Committments.

Indigenous Health Indigenous Support Line Interpretation & Translation Services Together4Health
An outdoor space that provides a source of spiritual renewal for all patients and families.

Play-Button Indigenous Healing Garden Unveiling