RxNutrition, Active Living, and Healthy Growth
Eating a balanced diet and getting enough physical activity are important parts of maintaining health. Below are some resources that help families know how to have an active and balanced lifestyle.
Community Partners
You can contact the partners below to get more information and assistance.
Health Link
If you need health advice or information call Health Link 24/7 using 811 in Alberta or the Canada Wide toll-free number 1-866-408-5465
Web Content
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Raising Our Healthy Kids Videos
All 70 of these brief videos in the Raising Our Healthy Kids series easily provides parents and caregivers with current health information.
The videos are grouped into the following categories:
Parents have many questions about raising healthy eaters - from dealing with picky eaters to packing healthy lunches. The Dietitians of Canada provides guidance to help parents and caregivers promote healthy eating habits.
Healthy Parents, Healthy Children
This website has information for expectant parents and parents of children 5 years of age and younger. Information about developmental stages, nutrition, and active living can be found here. The e-books Pregnancy and Birth and The Early Years are also freely available.
Alberta Health Services Healthy Eating and Active Living
Information about healthy eating, physical activity, pediatric weight management, and body image is provided by Alberta Health Services.
Caring for Kids: Healthy Living
Developed by the Canadian Paediatric Society Caring for Kids has information for parents of children of all ages about healthy eating and physical activity.
Ellyn Satter Institute
The Ellyn Satter Institute website provides details on how to create a supportive mealtime environment for the whole family.
Healthy Eating Starts Here
Alberta Health Services provides information about how to eat healthy where you live, work, learn and play.
Inspiring Healthy Eating
Alberta Health Services has some delicious and nutritious recipes for you and your family.
Canada's Food Guide
Canada's Food Guide provides guidance for children, teens, and adults to make healthy food choices.
Physical Activity
Alberta Health: Active Living
Physical active lifestyles support children and adults stay healthy. This webpage provides tips on how to start, or stay, physically active.
Kid Information
Kids Health Nutrition and Fitness Center
Written for kids, this page has information about staying fit and eating healthy. All the information provided has been reviewed by a doctor.
Food Allergies
Food Allergy
This page age includes important facts and statistics that can help you better understand food allergies and anaphylaxis.
Kids with Food Allergies
Navigating food allergies can be difficult. Kids with Food Allergies offers free tools, educational materials, webinars, videos and other resources to help families and caregivers learn how to keep children safe and healthy.
Book List
These resources are available to borrow in the Family Library. You can also check with your local library to see if they are available.
You can download, print, and share this PDF or our Destiny Collection list.
Child of Mine : Feeding With Love and Good Sense
This book about feeding infants and children offers practical advice and guidance about nutrition, feedings, and child development.
Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family : How to Eat, How to Raise Good Eaters, How to Cook
Satter's book outlines how to have an enjoyable, structured, and healthy way of eating.
Between worrying whether or not nutritional needs are being met and meal time power struggles raising an extremely picky eater can be stressful. This book provides both hope and strategies to parents and caregivers.
Fearless Feeding : How to Raise Healthy Eaters From High Chair to High School
Written by two pediatric nutrition experts this guide provides parents with the tools to feed their child at any age.
Healthy Bodies : Teaching Kids What They Need to Know
Kater has developed a curriculum that promotes healthy behaviour and positive body image. Parents can use the lesson plans to teach children how to care for their bodies through mindful eating, and enjoyable movement.
Real Kids Come in All Sizes : Ten Essential Lessons to Build Your Child's Body Esteem
This practical guide shows parents how to help their children maintain body esteem and make healthy choices a routine part of their lives.
Fit Kids : A Practical Guide to Raising Active and Healthy Children - From Birth to Teens
Fit Kids provides comprehensive and practical guidance to help parents who want to have active and nourished children.
Thank you to our friends fromĀ Calgary Public Library andĀ Nutrition Services for their contributions.
Current as of: January 26, 2024